It's an online retailer to distribute fashion products from Asia. I don't know half of the brands there but I'm learning XD
So while browsing this piece of awesomeness I stumbled upon a very cute wallet and I remembered that I still had to make a xmas present to myself (lame excuse) so I bought this:

So while browsing this piece of awesomeness I stumbled upon a very cute wallet and I remembered that I still had to make a xmas present to myself (lame excuse) so I bought this:

Isn't it cool 8D ?!
I found a lot more stuff that land up directly in my wish list XD
Talking about it I finally put my hands on a book I've wanted to read since forever. Well, I'd easily find it in a bookshop in Italy but I red the first volume in English and "A million little pieces" is the very first book I've ever red in English, so, apart from the fact that I loved it, I'm fond of it somehow and I wanted to continue to read the story in the original language.
So my awesome uncle who was in London for the New year's Eve bought it for me 8D

I found a lot more stuff that land up directly in my wish list XD
Talking about it I finally put my hands on a book I've wanted to read since forever. Well, I'd easily find it in a bookshop in Italy but I red the first volume in English and "A million little pieces" is the very first book I've ever red in English, so, apart from the fact that I loved it, I'm fond of it somehow and I wanted to continue to read the story in the original language.
So my awesome uncle who was in London for the New year's Eve bought it for me 8D

I'd like to gather all the useful links I know here, so I'm going to make a link page soon. Any advice about where you'd find cool stuff is always more that welcomed :D
Current Music: Die So Fluid - Themis | Powered by Last.fm
Oks that's all for now. Happy new year everyone!!
Current Music: Die So Fluid - Themis | Powered by Last.fm
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