Monday, 21 March 2011

MANGA! Favorite Manga!

Manga swap!

"For this swap you will send in a EMAIL, 5 to 10 of your favorite manga that you love reading. In the email leave the title and descripction of each Manga. And leave at least a few sentences as to why you love that Manga."

So here you go the manga I chose for this swap (click on the image and you go to a site where you can get more info and read them for free)

From my fellow swappers I received several interesting title and I put them all in my "plan to read" list :D Take a look if you're looking for something new to read!

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1 comment:

  1. ooh ^^ I love fruits Basket too! The rest I haven't heard of :)
    I can recommend Skip Beat (I LOVED the anime), FMA, Paradise kiss and Nana :)
    (I also send you a friendsrequest on myanimelist ;))
